Eating disorder test

This is a questionnaire developed through research; these nine simple questions will help you find out how you score in terms of severity of an eating disorder.

Answer these questions honestly. We do not collect personal information here. Please note that nobody, including Basten and Associates, will see you responses – the results are for your eyes only. If you are worried about your mood or feel like you might need help, speak to your doctor or call this practice in business hours. If you need help with your mood or safety immediately, then contact someone to help you and get to your local Emergency Department.

Signs and symptoms of eating disorders

I think about food all the time but feel scared to eat freely


I would prefer to be a bit unhealthy than put two kilograms on


I avoid looking at my body at all because I have intense feelings about it


There are a lot of foods on my ‘bad’ list that I try never to eat


I see hunger as a good thing – it means I’m strong and doing well


I sometimes have really large out of control episodes of eating


I have ways of getting rid of food and calories if I feel like I’ve eaten enough to gain weight (like vomiting, laxative, exercise)


I have my personal ways of checking my body shape and size (like looking at or touching certain body parts, measuring myself or putting on certain clothes)


I think that my whole life would go better if I could get to my ideal weight